Who is Jordan Thompson?

Written by ACIT


Introducing Jordan Thompson, our new I.T Support Technician. He has recently joined our DocSol team and will answer some quirky questions so we can get a better insight to our newest Team member.

Q. Tell me a little about your personal life – are you married, children? Etc

A. I’ve lived on the Gold Coast for my whole life (19 years) excelling through all of life’s trial and tribulations, and now I’m ready to bring that energy into the I.T team here at Document Solutions Australia, as I know they have been searching for a young maverick to set the MSP scene alight. I love playing the guitar, going to the gym, ‘pretending’ to admire my reflection and having a few bevvies with the boys.

Q. How did you become an I.T Support Technician?

A. I am currently studying for my bachelor’s degree in I.T. (majoring in Networking and Security) at Griffith university on the gold coast, so this job is an awesome opportunity to get some real world experience working within a closely knit IT team as well as learning how to interact with customers from varying backgrounds all across the coast.

Q. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

A. Straightforward + Loud + Honest.

Q. What is something about you that nobody here at Docsol knows?

A. The things I hate the most in this world are cockroaches and airplanes.

Q. What is the best thing since sliced bread?

A.  John Mayer’s live acoustic performance of neon at his Live in LA show, the man is a god!

Q. What is the best trip you have taken – where and why?

A. Japan, skiing in Hakuba, I loved icing my dad on the slopes and all the little ramen shops dotted throughout the mountain. I can’t wait to go back now that I’m old enough to check out some of the mountain’s many pubs and responsibly enjoy some sake with some mates.

Q. If you won 1 million dollars, how would you spend it?

A. I’d use the money to properly learn the remaining instruments I don’t know (piano and drums) and look at playing at some cool bars/pubs for fun. Also, I would buy a property somewhere less populated and start building the facilities to become as self-sufficient as possible, as I’m really into becoming almost 100% sustainable.

Q. Name five famous people (dead or alive) that you would invite to your dinner party.

A. John Mayer, Bruno Mars, Mac Miller, Anderson Pak and Garret Couchman.

Q. Are you a dog or cat person?

A. Dog all day, everyday.

Q. If money and time was not an obstacle, what would you do with your life?

A. Music, because playing/listening to live music is fun as heck when you know the people doing it are enjoying what they do.

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