Decode The Tech Talk

Written by Rachel Cooper

Graduating with a Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Digital Media, and armed with a passion for research and writing, Rachel dived into the IT and cyber security space while flourishing her marketing career with All Covered Solutions on the Gold Coast.


Has your IT person ever asked you for an IP? Recommended you set up MFA? Told you it’s an issue with the ISP? The world of tech has many long names for different systems and devices which has led to an abundance of abbreviations. Sometimes our IT heroes forget that we don’t always know what they are talking about when they tell us we have disconnected from the WLAN (whatever that means).

We have a collection of common terms you might hear your IT technician mention. You might even know some already, or memorise a couple and be sure to use them around your IT department to sound savvy. 😉

IPInternet ProtocolUnique series of numbers that acts as an address for each device
ISPInternet Service ProviderCompany that provides your connection to the internet
MFAMulti-Factor AuthenticationIncreases security with a second component of authentication such as a verification code or biometrics
NASNetwork Attached StorageStorage device connected to a network
PCPersonal ComputerYour desktop computer
VPNVirtual Private NetworkThis hides your IP Address and data when connecting to the internet
LANLocal Area NetworkDevices physically connected in one location such as an office
WLANWireless Local Area NetworkDevices wirelessly connected in one location
WANWide-Area NetworkLarger network over a wider area, not restricted within one location

Whether you decide to note a few terms to mind or conclude these acronyms are all too much, it’s important to know what your technical problem means for you and your office. If you don’t understand something, ask your technician to explain.

Our All Covered team is great at the tech stuff, yet we understand the importance of clearly communicating and taking the time to make sure our clients understand what the issue is and what our team may need to resolve the issue as quickly and easily as possible.

Want a refreshing experience? We’re here and happy to chat on 07 5528 6663 or

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