Cyber-attack: How vulnerable are you?

Written by ACIT


A recent report indicated almost half of Australian businesses surveyed had suffered a cyber-attack in the last two years (PWC 2018).

Increasingly, criminals, competitors, clients and even employees are targeting Australian businesses with specific intent to steal information, money or cause damage.

According to Nortec (2018) malicious software, unauthorised bank access and unauthorised email access the three most common cybercrimes impacting Australians.

Why should business take cybersecurity seriously?

1. ‘Fake’ emails no longer look fake

The African ‘government inheritance’ email is not the threat of today. Spelling mistakes and bad English are no longer a reliable way to spot a fake.

 Example of a realistic ‘fake’ email

AGL have warned customers to look out for this scam email below


2. A single click can be catastrophic

Unprotected, a single click (or in some cases even an email preview in Outlook) can cause catastrophic outcomes like allowing Remote access, Password theft, Email Compromise and more.

While you may think you’re switched on tho these scam tactics,
can you confidently say the same about everyone in your organisation?

Business email scam example A

A bookkeeper clicks a link to download an outstanding or urgent bill but instead downloads a file giving hackers remote access to their computer to capture a range of details or logins.

Business email scam example B

A Ceo clicks a link to a convincing login page, giving hackers access to their email account to send and receive emails as if they were the CEO.

3. Business emails are more at risk than private emails

So many employees assume ‘the IT guys’ have got digital security covered with everything perfectly secure, however all too often we find this is not the case.

 Nearly 50% of employees confess to clicking links in potential scam emails while at work, according to a recent cybersecurity survey by Webroot (2019).

4. Ransomware is cheap and highly accessible

An amateur criminal can buy a ‘ransomware’ kit online for under $200 (or for free using a Ransomware-as-a-service where the criminal gets 70% and the Ransomware builder gets 30%)

 A recent Telstra Security Report (2019) revealed 51% of Australian respondents that were attacked by ransomware paid up.

What can YOU do about your IT security?

There are several basic (low & no cost) security measures that all organisations should be taking to manage their exposure, vulnerability, and potential future losses to cybercrime.

1. IT Security check-up 

Arrange a business security audit, ASAP. Ideally have a professional perform a digital and physical audit and provide a written detailed report.  Typical cost is $500 – $1000, depending on software used and time spent. 

2. Learn about LOW or NO COST ways to protect your current information. 

  • Office 365 has numerous free & very low-cost security options. 
  • Business security policies can be made with a little time invested. 
  • Password Managers have trials and for their purpose have relatively low cost  
  • Educational security videos take a little time but could save you EVERYTHING! 
 3. INVEST in security   
  • smart Firewall like Sophos protects far more than most realize. This is $1000 – $3000 investment depending on business size
  • Antivirus IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH look into actual SECURITY software for devices 
  • Spend the time, effort and money on basic training for staff (videos, information emails, formal training)
4. CALL US to find out how WE can help

Call us for a free, no-strings discussion with our IT security expert to find out how we can help you with the above and more. It may be worth more than you think…

Phone 07 5528 6663



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