Hack Survival Guide: 6 Steps to Take When You Have Had a Security Breach

Woman dealing with a Security Breach

Written by Ben Kiefel


In 2023, technology underpins nearly every aspect of business operations. This means that the threat of cyberattacks and security breaches has never been more significant. What’s more, hacks have the potential to wreak havoc on an organisation, leading to data theft, financial losses, operational disruptions, and even reputational damage.

Here at All Covered IT, we understand the critical need for businesses to be prepared to face such challenges head-on. But what should you do when you’re actually faced with a cyber attack? Don’t worry, we have you covered!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to take when you encounter a security breach and even delve into how you can work to safeguard your business against future attacks.

Let’s get to it!

Understanding a Security Breach

A security breach occurs when unauthorised individuals gain access to your organisation’s digital assets, including sensitive data, systems, and networks. This breach can be likened to an unwelcome intrusion into your digital fortress, where cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities to infiltrate and compromise valuable information. With the increasing interconnectedness of systems and the sheer volume of data exchanged online, the risk of security breaches has grown significantly.

The potential ramifications of a hack are far-reaching and can affect various facets of your organisation:

  • Data Compromise: Hackers can target and steal sensitive customer information, trade secrets, proprietary algorithms, and financial data. This stolen data often finds its way into the hands of malicious actors who may misuse it for identity theft, fraud, or other criminal activities.
  • Operational Disruption: In the aftermath of a breach, businesses often experience operational disruptions. Systems can become compromised or incapacitated, leading to downtime, reduced productivity, and consequently, financial losses.
  • Reputational Damage: The fallout from a security breach can extend beyond immediate financial implications. News of a breach can shatter customer trust and tarnish your brand’s reputation, potentially leading to customer attrition and diminished credibility.
  • Regulatory Consequences: Depending on your industry and location, there might be regulatory requirements governing the protection of sensitive data. A breach could result in hefty fines and legal consequences if your organisation fails to meet these obligations.

Identifying a Hack

Swift detection of a security breach is paramount to minimising its impact. Being vigilant and attuned to the following signs can help you spot a hack before it escalates:

Unusual Activity

Monitor your network and system logs regularly. Look for abnormal patterns such as repeated unauthorised access attempts, unusual data transfers, or suspicious login activities. Unexplained spikes in network traffic can also be indicative of a breach.

Want to ensure someone is always watching over your network for potential security breaches? You need a security platform with MDR (Managed Detection and Response), like Sophos.

m365 Logo

Looking for a platform that puts security first? The best place to start is Microsoft 365 Business Premium!

Microsoft 365 Business Premium provides advanced threat protection, multi-factor authentication, and data loss prevention, ensuring a secure environment by safeguarding against cyber threats and controlling access to sensitive information across devices and applications.

Changes in System Behavior

If your systems start behaving erratically, become sluggish, or crash unexpectedly, it might be a sign of a security breach. Cybercriminals often manipulate system behaviour to further their objectives, leading to disruptions in normal operations.

Unknown Accounts

Regularly review user accounts within your systems. If you notice unfamiliar or unauthorised accounts with elevated privileges, it could be a clear indication of unauthorised access.

Phishing Attempts

Educate your employees about the dangers of phishing emails and messages. Phishing attempts often aim to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information, such as login credentials, by imitating trustworthy sources.

KnowBe4 Logo

If you are looking for security awareness training for your team, you need to check out KnowBe4! It’s the world’s largest integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform and a powerful tool to enhance your organisation’s cyber security posture.

Through engaging training modules and realistic simulated phishing attacks you can address the human element of cyber security, which is often the weakest link in an organisation’s defence.

Steps to Take When You’ve Been Hacked

Discovering that your organisation has fallen victim to a security breach can be overwhelming, but a well-prepared response plan can make a significant difference in minimising the fallout. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the crucial steps to take:

1. Isolate and Contain

The moment you suspect a breach, it’s essential to isolate the affected systems to prevent the hack from spreading further. Disconnect compromised devices from your network and sever any unauthorised communication channels. This containment step is crucial in preventing the breach’s escalation and curbing potential damage.

2. Notify Relevant Parties

Communication is key when dealing with a security breach. Notify internal stakeholders, including your IT team, senior management, and legal counsel, about the breach. Collaboration among departments ensures a coordinated response and facilitates a timely recovery process.

3. Engage a Cybersecurity Expert

Bringing in a specialised IT provider with expertise in cybersecurity is a strategic move. These experts possess the knowledge and experience required to assess the extent of the hack, identify vulnerabilities, and develop a comprehensive recovery plan tailored to your organisation’s needs. Our team at All Covered IT is well-equipped to assist you at this critical juncture.

All Covered IT is the technology division of Document Solutions Australia.

Since 2001, the Doc Sol team have built strong business foundations and corporate relationships that reach into business communities throughout the Gold Coast region.

All Covered IT brings the same bullet-proof service reputation with a wealth of knowledge and experience you can rely on. From wholly managed IT service to software, hardware and high-quality cyber security, we’ve got you all covered.

4. Preserve Evidence

Preserving digital evidence is essential for understanding the breach, identifying the attackers, and potentially aiding in legal actions. Maintain a detailed record of all activities related to the breach, including logs, system snapshots, and any communication exchanged with the attackers.

5. Mitigate and Recover

Once the extent of the breach has been assessed, it’s time to implement a thorough remediation plan. This plan should address not only the immediate breach but also the underlying vulnerabilities that allowed the breach to occur. Remediation might involve reinstalling compromised systems, patching vulnerabilities, and enhancing your organisation’s security posture.

6. Communicate Transparently

Open and transparent communication is vital, both internally and externally. If customer data has been compromised, promptly notify affected parties about the hack, the steps you’re taking to rectify the situation, and the measures they can take to protect themselves. Transparency demonstrates your commitment to addressing the issue and maintaining trust.

Why Engage with a Cybersecurity IT Provider

As we’ve outlined the essential steps to take after a security breach, you might wonder why partnering with a cybersecurity IT provider is paramount in such situations. Let’s explore the invaluable benefits such collaboration can bring.

  • Expertise: Cybersecurity IT providers bring specialised knowledge to the table. Our team of professionals understands the intricacies of various attack vectors, the latest threat landscape, and how to devise effective countermeasures.
  • Rapid Response: In the aftermath of a breach, time is of the essence. Cybersecurity IT providers have the tools and knowledge to swiftly assess the breach, identify its scope, and develop a tailored response strategy to minimise the impact.
  • Prevention Measures: Beyond responding to breaches, cybersecurity experts focus on proactive measures to prevent future incidents. By conducting thorough security assessments, implementing advanced security solutions, and educating your team, they help fortify your organisation against future attacks.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the legal and regulatory landscape after a breach can be complex. Cybersecurity IT providers are well-versed in the legal obligations surrounding data breaches and can guide you through the necessary steps to remain compliant.
  • Reputation Management: A breach can significantly impact your organisation’s reputation. Cybersecurity experts can assist you in crafting a well-managed communication strategy that addresses the breach transparently, reassuring stakeholders and customers of your commitment to security.


Navigating a security breach requires a combination of swift action, expert guidance, and a commitment to safeguarding your organisation’s digital assets. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of being prepared for cyber threats cannot be overstated. By understanding what a security breach entails, recognising the potential damages, knowing how to identify a hack, and being equipped with a comprehensive response plan, you can significantly mitigate the impact of a hack.

At All Covered IT, we are dedicated to helping organisations like yours face the challenges of cybersecurity head-on. Our expertise, rapid response capabilities, proactive measures, and commitment to legal compliance and reputation management make us an ideal partner in the fight against cyber threats. When you’re confronted with a security breach, having a cybersecurity IT provider by your side can make all the difference in ensuring a swift recovery and fortified defences moving forward.

Get in Touch with our Cyber Security Experts!

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